Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Chive & Dill Vegi Dip~ Not just for dipping!

Hi everyone!

Sunday I threw a pork roast in the crockpot. The night before I rubbed it down with our Farmer’s Dry Rub. I knew Sunday was going to be a busy day and that is why I love crockpots!

Cooking the roast meant I would have two different meals from one roast. Do you do that? I really try to cook once for two meals whenever I can. Especially during the summer when you don’t want to heat up the kitchen or because you are just too busy everyday.

So, on Monday I shredded what was left of the pork roast.


In a pan I made a gravy. Now, I think you should make whatever gravy you like whether it be a jar, canned, dry envelope or from scratch. I used a dry package of brown gravy and a dry package of mushroom gravy. I added one cup of water and one can of evaporated milk.


While that simmered, I grabbed a package of our Chive and Dill Vegi Dip.


I added the package to 1 cup of sour cream.


After the two were completely mixed together, I added it to the gravy.


Once mixed, I added the shredded pork roast.


YUM!  This would be great over mashed potatoes. But, I am serving it with egg noodles.

Now, here is a little tip: I keep a bottle of olive oil mixed with our Dipping Oil Herb Blend handy all the time. 


When I cook things like noodles, instead of just splashing some plain oil in the water, I like to add an herbed oil to boost the flavor of the noodles.


Once the noodles are ready just mix with the pork roast gravy. Simple.


A great thrifty leftover meal.


So, keep in mind, DTL Herb products are made to enhance food in different ways. Just because it says it is a “Dip”, don’t limit it to just using it as a dip.

Don’t forget our motto….

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Herbs make good food taste even better!

For those of you who are unable to visit us at the markets, you can get our Chive and Dill Vegi Dip through DTL Herbs LTD Etsy Store now. We will be putting more products up as soon as we have the time! However, if you want any of our other products via mail, just drop us an email and we will get it to you!

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