Monday, May 20, 2013

Where Will We Be This Week?

This week will start for us on Tuesday, at the Ypsilanti Downtown Market. Held at Ferris and Hamilton, this market runs from 2-6:00 pm. You can find us on the South side, all the way down at the West end.
Wednesday we will be at the Wayne Market, in Goudy Park, from 3-7:00 pm. Look for us on the end of the line, in the inside circle around the pavilion.
Thursday we will be at the Warren Public Library at 6:00 pm, speaking about Herb Basics and Container Gardening. Read all about it here.
Saturday will find us, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, at the Ypsilanti Depot Town Market, at 100 Parket Place in Historic Depot Town. We are in the southwest corner.
And Sunday we will be at the Lincoln Park Market from 11:00 am 4:00 pm. This market is held in the parking area in the center median of Southfield Road, in front of City Hall. We usually set up on the North side of the market, directly across from the car wash.
Several new markets will be starting in the next two weeks so watch this space carefully to find the one closest to you.

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