Friday, April 8, 2011

Herbed Butter

One of my favorite things to do with our herbs is to make herbed butters. It is the easiest things to make and it gives butter a special touch.

You can use any herbs that you like. Fresh or dried will work. Play around with combining flavors.

I have made four different herbed butters for you today. These are the most popular ones I make.

Rosemary, Dill, Mint and Oregano.

My rule of thumb for ratio of herb to butter is simple:

1/4 teaspoon dried herb & 2 teaspoons of softened butter.

1 teaspoon crushed fresh herbs & 2 teaspoons of softened butter.

recipes 028recipes 030Just cream the herb and butter together.

recipes 029   Refrigerate for at least 4 hours so the flavors really meld into the butter. When I make herbed butters I tend to play with the butter and put them into fun molds. It is a fun way to present butter at a party or just a dinner get together. it is that extra little wow factor.

I purchased two of these deviled egg carriers at a thrift store. They did not have the lids so they were only .49 cents. I saw them and thought they would be so cute for molded butter pats for Easter. I just filled in the eggs and put in the fridge.

recipes 031These ended up not coming out of the container as easily as I had hoped. If I were having a dinner party, I would have taken time to carefully smooth them out with my finger so they were much prettier.

 recipes 032 Since I have 4 different flavors of herbed butter here, I use two of my little topiary cardholders and put two signs with the flavor in each (front and back).

recipes 033You can see some of them cracked and some just did not have smooth edges. That is a easy fix. Like I said, the warmth of your fingers works the best.

recipes 035It is so nice to add little extra details like this. And it is fun to treat your family and friends to different flavored butter. As the hostess, it just shows that you enjoy going a little bit above and beyond for the people you care about.

recipes 036   Yummy on fresh pretzel rolls!

recipes 039 There are so many variations you can try. Garlic butter is probably our number 1 favorite here. I also like to make a lemon.lime cracked pepper butter. So, just try some flavors you normally enjoy.

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