Thursday, April 14, 2011

Baked Potato Salad

Since chives are in season and we are running crazy with them, I try to use them in a lot of recipes. Last year I found a recipe for "Baked Potato Salad". And I made it several times because it is so easy and so yummy and not to mention, very inexpensive!

Here's a picture of the ingredients:

How easy and simple are those ingredients!

(I so rarely measure anything so, I hope I can guesstimate it for you)

I had all these little Yukon Gold potatoes that had bad spots so, that is why I thought I would use them up to make this dish.

1 cup of sour cream. Add more if you like it really creamy.

about 1/2 C chopped chives

Unfortunately our dill is still too little to chop, so I am using a half of a teaspoon of dried dill that we dried last year. I way prefer the fresh, but oh well.

Remember, when using dried herbs use the 1:3 ratio.
1t dried herbs = 3t (1T) Fresh herbs.

salt and pepper to taste

Boil potatoes. Let cool (you can leave the skins on if your like potato skins). Slice cooled potatoes into about 1/2 inch slices. In a separate bowl, I toss in the rest of the ingredients and stir everything up. Then I gently toss the potatoes with the dressing (you don't want potato mush LOL). Put in fridge for a bit (let the flavors come out). Serve!

I have added crumbled cooked bacon and/or shredded cheddar cheese to this before as well and that is also very tasty. And I have used Ranch dressing instead of sour cream. I liked that, but I prefer the real baked potato flavor that straight sour cream gives better

Originally posted at The Thrifty Groove

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